NEW Monthly North West Opportunity Meeting

When: Friday, May 15th, 7.30 pm
Where: Novotel Hotel, Worsley Brow, Worsley, Manchester M28 2YA

Description: Join us for this NEW Opportunity Meeting in the North West. We are experiencing fantastic growth in the UK with more and more people joining Synergy WorldWide following our hugely inspirational Barcelona Summit and launch events!

This is an event for everybody to learn more about Synergy, including the fantastic life-changing products and unrivalled compensation plan. Come and learn about the products, how they will be a huge boost to your business and change people's lives. Join the SLMsmart Challenge and lose and maintain a healthy weight; the programme is simple, satisfying and effective!

 PLUS ... all guests will be entered into a prize draw where the winner will be picked out to receive a complimentary Synergy Product Pack!

Registration: 7.30pm to 8pm
The Synergy Advantage: 8pm
How to Get Started: 8.45pm
Hosts: Rob Lord, Western European GM & Top UK Leaders

For more information contact Rob Lord:



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