At the close of a second successful SLM 10 Club promotion, it’s clear that the enthusiasm for SLMsmart and e9 lives on months after the October 2014 product launch. Team Members were challenged for a second time to take these new products and activate at least 10 new people on SLMsmart packs to join the SLM 10 Club and earn a 150 € bonus.
A handful of second round qualifiers earned the SLM 10 Club bonus in the first round and have activated up to 40 people on these powerful weight management products.
Click here to learn more about how these Team Members qualified!

Franz Friess & Ana Vajda-Friess (Austria)
Helena Hemming (Finland)
Tommy BjerkĂ¥s (Norway)
Elin Holmen (Norway)
First-time qualifiers:
Manfred Kelbic (Austria)
Karl Tappauf (Austria)
Corinna Froewein (Austria)
Gerald Krampl (Austria)
Laura ja Juha Frey (Finland)
Pirjo Martinez (Finland)
Ute Dankers (Germany)
Vincenzo Capuano (Italy)
Del Ciondolo Franco (Italy)
Raffaele Schiano (Italy)
Felice Gargano (Italy)
Luigi Velotti (Italy)
Lella Lanzaro (Italy)
Inga Marja Sarre (Norway)
Tine Marlen Haugsrud (Norway)
Hege Mari Finnanger (Norway)
Uros Zajc (Slovenia)
Maria Klintenheim (Sweden)
Linnea Byrkjeland (Sweden)
Though the SLM 10 Club promotion has ended, you still have the opportunity to earn the SLMsmart Challenge Bonus through May 31, 2015. Click here to learn how to earn an extra 200 € through this promotion.
Continue helping others transform their lives with SLMsmart and e9!