UK October Training Event with Synergy Team Member and MBE Grace Vanterpool
Join us for our monthly training event which takes place at the Park Inn, Heathrow on Saturday, 12 October.
We are excited to announce that a very special guest, Grace Vanterpool, MBE, will join us for this meeting. Grace is a nurse consultant in diabetes and Synergy Team Member. In 2006 she became Nurse of the Year and received an MBE for her work raising awareness of diabetes. Grace is the only African Caribbean nurse consultant in diabetes in the UK. “It’s amazing really, because diabetes affects all people but particularly African Caribbean and Asian people,” she said.

2003 - NHS and Kings Fund Champions Award Services to diabetes patients
2004 - Chief Executive Award (Thames Valley)
2005 - Nursing Standard Community Nurse of the Year
2006 - (March) Nursing Standard Nurse of the Year (overall award)
2006 - MBE in the Birthday Honours List
Grace works closely with patients, GPs and practice nurses, as well as training students and clinicians, to provide high-quality care. She also works to ensure that all local services for people with diabetes provide the same standards of care.
Don't miss this fantastic event, and bring your guests and prospects along so we can share life-changing products, testimonials and our business opportunity with them.
Remember, all Team Members who bring a guest will be entered into a drawing for the chance to win a V3 System!
Remember, all Team Members who bring a guest will be entered into a drawing for the chance to win a V3 System!

Registration: 10 am
Recognition & Training: 10.30 am
Lunch: 12-12.30 pm
Training: 12.30 - 2 pm
Date: Saturday, 12 October
Time: 10.00 am - 2.00 pm.
Place: Park Inn Hotel
Bath Road, Heathrow
Contact Rob with any questions by emailing him at
Birmingham Monthly Opportunity Meeting

Bring your guests to this opportunity meeting and learn more about Synergy's life-changing products and unrivalled compensation plan!
All Team Members who bring a guest will be entered into a draw for the chance to win a V3 System!
Date: Wednesday, 25 September
Time: 7.30-9.00 pm.
Place: Crowne Plaza, NEC
Pendigo Way, Nr Birmingham Airport
Bickenhill, B40 1PS
Contact Rob with any questions by emailing him at
Ireland Monthly Training Event
Join us for our monthly training event taking place in the Rathcool Suite on the second floor of the City West Hotel Saggart on Saturday, 19 October. This is an event for both distributors and their guests to learn more about Synergy and its fantastic, life-changing products … plus, our unrivalled compensation plan!
We encourage you to bring at least one guest with you as we learn from each other and also recognise those who are achieving great things in their businesses and enhancing the lives of so many throughout Ireland.
Remember, all Team Members who bring a guest will be entered into a draw for the chance to win a V3 System!

Registration: 10.30 am
Training: 11 am
Lunch: 1-2 pm
Recognition & Training: 2-3.30 pm
Date: Saturday, 19 October
Time: 10.30 am - 3.30 pm.
Place: City West Hotel, Saggart
Contact Keith Robinson with any questions by calling 0862524183.