Since joining Synergy WorldWide in March of 2013, Mohneesh Jindal has displayed all the characteristics we pride ourselves in at Synergy. Currently a Bronze Team Member, Mohneesh is recognized by colleagues for his professionalism, his positive outlook and the example he sets for others in his team. We are thrilled to have him aboard as a driving force in our Ireland market!

The biggest thing that attracted me was that the system
Synergy has in place is easy to use and can be easily duplicated. I also liked
the idea of not having to retail the product if I didn't want to. It was just
one of the options.
Which is your favourite product and why?
To be honest, no individual one is my favourite. I really
love the idea of the synergistic effect when taking all the three products on a
daily basis.
What is a typical day for you when you are building your
I don't really have a typical day. I just enjoy what I do
so I don't feel this is work at all. For me it’s like enjoying a nice meal each
day, and now, in the same way, I just enjoy talking to people each day. It's really,
really important to enjoy what you do … you will be much happier. Have fun
talking to people and changing people's lives for the better, whether it's
about their health or showing them a business opportunity.
What would you say has been the biggest factor in your
success so far?
I would definitely say the help I’ve received from my
upline, as well as other amazing people within the company—Fintan Duggan, Keith
Robinson, James Moylan and Mandy Blaney. We always talk about teamwork and it
definitely would have been more difficult without the help of the quality
people around me. If you don't have support around, it is so important that you
ask someone for help. A helping hand is never too far away. We are all one team
at the end of the day, no matter which country and city you’re building your
business in! We come together consistently, and show why this is the best
company with the best people. This creates an amazing business environment to
work in.
What activities do you engage in to help your team and
Well, I try to use common sense more than anything else,
but I stay in regular contact with my team whether that means meeting them face
to face every week or talking with them on the phone and through Skype.
I always push my team ... encouraging them and motivating
them to keep talking to people. As a sponsor, I do the presentations for my
team for their new prospects, usually at their house or in a hotel. We
regularly go through the trainings so we can develop them to be leaders in
their own right. I always try and make sure they are comfortable and happy with
the support they are getting from me in order to keep moving forward.
What goals are you working towards at the moment?
I want to help as many people as I can; I want to change
people's lives for the better and bring a positive change to the community and
society. I want to change people's mindsets for the better and create
self-belief by helping them aspire to a better life.
If you were to give one piece of advice to someone new to
Synergy WorldWide, what would you tell them?
Don't just plan, plan, plan; make sure there is action
too. Don't put in only half of the effort unless you are happy with half of the
results! Set an example to people around you and don't let anyone or anything
stop you from achieving whatever you want in your life. You have been given an opportunity;
make the most of it and change your life!