Starter kits are now available!

New Team Members signing up will receive an information-packed starter kit with their first order. The tools found in this kit have been reviewed by Synergy and are compliant according to EU regulations. They will give you the information you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the company and start sharing this opportunity with everyone around you!

Inside the customized folder you will find a DVD containing three videos—the Corporate Tour, NSP Manufacturing Tour and Compensation Plan video—in a variety of languages. You will also find the Welcome Brochure, the Quality Assurance Booklet and 10 V3 Brochures. Each resource is fundamental in becoming acquainted with our mission and values, and will help you feel more confident in going forward and sharing the Synergy Advantage with those in your community.

Purchase Starter Kit Brochures

We are excited to announce that the new V3 brochures and Quality Assurance booklets are available in the Pulse shopping cart. Simply click here to begin the order process, or call Customer Service at 00207 1250 660. The pricing is as follows (VAT included):

  • 10 folletos V3 = 2,00 €
  • 50 folletos V3 = 8,00 €
  • 10 cuadernillos CC = 5,00 €
  • 50 cuadernillos CC = 20,00 €

Open up our Welcome Brochure for a look into Synergy’s groundwork and history. Then browse through our Quality Assurance Booklet for a better understanding of our stringent manufacturing processes which ensure that you receive the purest products. Ten V3 Brochures are yours to share with others who may benefit from Synergy’s V3 System. You will learn that the V3 System was formulated to enhance and maintain your overall health, each product targeting a vital system in the body.

These tools will be instruments to all of our new Team Members and will help you grow your businesses more effectively from day one.



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