Biome Shake FAQ

As one of Synergy WorldWide’s top selling supplements, Biome Shake has been providing people across Europe with clean protein, potent nutrition, and microbiome benefits for nearly five years. Recently, Synergy updated this popular, effective formula with improvements driven by new data and customer feedback. Experts fully expect these changes to improve the results of Biome Shake, especially when used in Purify and regular microbiome maintenance programs.

To help Biome Shake fans better understand the formula updates, answers to frequently asked questions have been listed below.

1. Why Biome Shake?

• Biome Shake is a powerful, delicious blend of clean vegetable protein, vitamins, minerals, and other synergistic nutrients.
• Biome Shake is scientifically designed to support metabolic function, especially when used as part of the Purify and microbiome maintenance programs.
• Biome Shake features a strong amino acid profile and vegetarian protein to support growth and maintenance of lean muscle mass.
• It is also low in carbohydrates, while rich in fiber. Replacing high carb foods with Biome Shake can contribute to successful weight management. 1
• Biome Shake also supports a healthy microbiome, feeding a beneficial microbial balance via helpful bacteria (such as Bifidobacterium & Lactobacillus), while decreasing harmful gut bacteria (such as pathogenic Bacteroides fragilis and Clostridium perfringens). 2

2. What has changed in Biome Shake update?

Improved Carbohydrate Blend:
• Reduced net carb content for an improved carbohydrate profile.
• Using resistant dextrin instead of maltodextrin, the new formula provides complex carbohydrates.
• This clean, complex, whole grain carbohydrate blend is now composed of organic quinoa, organic amaranth, organic buckwheat, and organic millet.

Protein Increase:
• Our new formula now provides 2 additional grams of clean vegetable protein per serving (22 grams in total) with an excellent amino acid profile.

Additional Vitamins and Minerals:
• Vitamin E: This vitamin provides a high concentration of antioxidants to protect cells from oxidative stress, along with other benefits.
• Iron: This mineral contributes to normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, oxygen transport, and cell division. Iron supports the normal function of the immune system and can reduce fatigue. 3

Green Coffee Bean and Green Tea Extract:
• Biome Shake’s new formula now includes green coffee bean and green tea leaf extract, as they are natural sources of polyphenols.
• These ingredients work in tandem with others within the formula to provide an array of benefits.

 Ingredient Profile Streamlined:
• The formula has been streamlined. For example, flax seed, sunflower, and MCT now simply satisfy the fatty acid profile, and as a result, there was no need for borage oil.
• We also had the opportunity to replace maltodextrin with resistant dextrin to improve the carbohydrate profile (see above).

3. How does Biome Shake support the Human Gut Microbiome?

• High carbohydrate diets are associated with gut dysbiosis. Toxins found in low quality foods impair gut bacterial balance.
• The superior ingredients in Biome Shake work synergistically to correct and support a healthy microbiome, balancing good gut bacteria with phytonutrients, amino acids, and prebiotic fibers. Thus, Biome Shake is a clean, low-carb, high-protein, fiber-rich alternative that helps to support healthy metabolic function via beneficial Bifidobacterial and Lactobacillus species. 2

4. Is the new Biome Shake formula vegetarian?

• Yes, the new Biome Shake formula continues to be vegetarian friendly. We anticipate supporting a vegan-friendly claim on the product in the near future.

5. Has the container changed?

• It has. Introducing Bio Jar packaging! Produced as a by-product from sugar beets in a petroleum-free process, each Bio Jar is recyclable and helps to reduce landfill impact.
• This new Biome Shake packaging shows a reduction of impact around 60% for both climate change and fossil fuel depletion categories when using biobased HDPE instead of its fossil counterpart. 4

6. Why is there a caffeine statement and a disclaimer for children and pregnant women shown on the label?

• The amount of caffeine is insignificant (less than 1mg). The only reason a caffeine statement appears on the current label is due to Synergy’s abundance of caution in efforts to comply with international labeling requirements.
• The disclaimer is related only to the presence of caffeine. As stated earlier, the presence of caffeine is actually insignificant, with totals far smaller than what one would find in decaf coffee or most chocolate bars.

7. What should I know about the salt found in Biome Shake?

• This new Biome Shake formula contains less salt per serving than the previous formula.
• The salt found in Biome Shake is a combination of important ingredient excipients and natural flavor enhancement. Biome Shake delivers potent nutrition while maintaining a delicious taste profile.
• Much of the sodium originates from Sodium selenite, a source of the essential element selenium, and naturally occurring sodium in ingredients such as pea protein. Selenium is also vital in providing immune system support.

8. Has the source of fiber changed?

• Biome Shake continues to feature Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) prebiotic fiber that supports a healthy microbiome.

9. What is the Purify Program and how does Biome Shake fit in?

• The Purify Program is a health and wellness regiment that is centered around the Purify Kit. Created to fit within 7 days or 21 days, this program helps cleanse purify your microbiome enabling you to achieve Elite Health.
• Biome Shake is one of five scientifically engineered products designed to support proper balance in the microbiome and your overall health. All five superior wellness supplements can be found in the Purify Kit.

10. How can I try Biome Shake?

• Order your own Biome Shake HERE.
• If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact our wonderful Customer Service team today.

1. Biome Shake works best to manage weight loss when combined with a healthy diet and daily exercise.
2. Studies have shown that individuals consuming pea protein exhibit increases in good gut bacteria (Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus) and decreases in bad gut bacteria (Bacteroides Fragilis and Clostridium).
3. Balancing iron consumption in a daily nutritional regimen is important. Unpleasant side effects can result from iron scarcity as well as overabundance. Biome Shake provides 14mg per serving. Consuming even two Biome Shake servings per day provides iron totals within an optimal range.
4. This study confirms the benefits of our new eco-friendly Bio Jar packaging, and the environmental effect of its production.



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