A Full Synergy Product Day with some excellent speakers, including Dr. Rav Naik MbChB MRCGP, who will be sharing 'What Doctors are currently saying about Gut Health' and 'What is the latest research?'. What makes our Purify system different? Excellent presentations on child birth and the Microbiome, what are midwives being taught?, Purify in conjunction with colonics, introducing 'How to follow on from the Purify' and a very special FL-3X training.
Including practitioners covering areas from Physiotherapy, Pilates, Kinesiology, Bowen Technique, Nutrition, Sports Massage, Osteopathy, Reflexology and many more.
There will be training on several products to provide you with a greater insight into how Synergy’s products can help someone to achieve Elite Health…more details to follow soon!
DON’T FORGET: Register to be included in the Prize Draw to get FREE Synergy product!
When: Sunday, June 24th
Time: 10.30 am for an 11.00 am start
Where: Hilton Hotel, Warwick
Session 1: 11.00 am
Lunch: 1.00 pm
Session 2: 2.00 pm
Close: 4.30 pm
For more information contact Teri Rigby: teririgby@aol.co.uk