We are excited to announce that from this point forward, all new Team Members in Ireland and the United Kingdom will receive a sleek, rebranded Starter Kit with their first order. This newly designed kit is filled with more resources and information than ever before in a customized, compact folder. The kit also includes never-before-seen tools, including a product catalog and pique interest cards. You’ll also receive your first of many Synergy pins!
Here’s a breakdown of everything you’ll find inside:
Synergy President Dan Norman introduces the Leave a Legacy concept in a letter that introduces Synergy and points to what Team Members should focus their efforts on to find success.
Wear this pin to promote your business and show your pride in the starting of your new legacy.
We’ve updated and rebranded the Getting Started Booklet! Read this booklet cover to cover and learn what steps to take in the early phases of your businesses to spark long-term growth.
Descriptions of Synergy Europe’s powerful, pure and potent products are found in this this brand new resource. Use the catalog to educate yourself on Synergy’s product offering and find out what products will help you achieve your health goals.
Refer to this card for a complete list of Synergy’s corporate sites, social media sites, and more. The resources card will help you keep Synergy contact information organized so that you can access company resources, receive daily corporate news and updates, and your knowledge with others.
Use the Opportunity Tear Sheet as a one-page Synergy presentation that contacts can take home with them. These tear sheets prompt valuable talking points with potential customers and distributors. By using this sheet, you should be able to find out how Synergy can play a part in you contacts’ futures.
These cards provide a quick and simple way to introduce Synergy WorldWide to a new contact. They provide interesting facts about Synergy that will intrigue potential customers and distributors, ultimately guiding them to the beginning of a journey to optimal physical and financial health.