Mandy Blaney, Team Manager from Ireland
Jeepers, summarising the Team Manager Academy experience isn't easy!
First impressions of the hotel itself was wow and wow again, and it remained that way through all services provided; the surroundings, views, food, standard of service - all first class. The event was so well organised and a perfect balance of group meetings and activity. The outdoor team building exercise was a brilliant experience for all and a great way to get to know people. Being on the winning team with Mohneesh Jindal as our manager was definitely a highlight!
The sense of unity and mission to make Synergy the most successful networking company in the world was felt very strongly and feeling valued as a part of it all is priceless; it's hard to put into words the emotion of it all really! The speakers and teachings by the leaders were excellent and there was great opportunity to mingle with them and ask questions. The atmosphere throughout the weekend was relaxed and yet down to business at the same time.
The fun of the nightly table tennis added to the downtime nicely even though it did get a little competitive!
In conclusion, the event certainly motivated us and the biggest impression of all was how much the company value and reward effort and it really is an honour and a privilege to be a part of a worldwide winning team. We brought back a huge amount of belief in what we can achieve in Ireland. I do believe that we have one of the best teams and cultural characters to make exceptional things happen and our growth rate will accelerate onwards and upwards!
It's very hard for words to do TMA justice, it just has to be experienced. I encourage everyone to set a goal to be at the 2015 TMA in Austria as it is simply an experience not to be missed!
Niamh O' Brien, Team Leader from Ireland
What can I say? Princess for the weekend! The Interalpen Hotel in Austria is sheer luxury, the most luxurious aspect being the breath-taking views surrounding it. It was an enriching experience in every way. Besides the views, exquisite meals and pure opulence of the hotel, we learnt so much from spending time with our fellow European Synergy folk & leaders! Our team returned home full of inspiration, ideas and motivation and within a day the wheels were set in motion to take Ireland to the next level! The momentum and excitement in Ireland has really gone up a gear since TMA and that was with only 8 of us in attendance. Imagine next year after 20+ of us returning from TMA 2015!! I'm very grateful for being able to reap the rewards of this trip. It felt like Synergy had already recognised us as Presidential!
Kate Flint, Team Leader from the UK

Spoilt and valued is definitely a description I would also use. I have never stayed in a hotel quite like this one. From the vastness of the chandeliers to the serene, calm atmosphere everywhere you walked and the smell of rich wood in the rooms, it really is a special place. Synergy really knows how to reward you and show you what you are worth.
Connected is probably the word I would use to best describe the overall experience. I felt connected to Synergy itself and corporate management; Stewart Rutter and Dan Norman were there and gave a real glimpse into Synergy Europe’s future. The connections and friendships that were made with partners from all over Europe and also some from further afield will grow and can only make Synergy a stronger company. Also, the top leaders who were happy to share their journeys and experiences also promoted a strong culture of mutual learning and ongoing connection with numbers being exchanged and Facebook friendships being started – the whole weekend cemented my belief that I wasn’t on my Synergy journey alone but with a group of like-minded, passionate people who will be there for support and encouragement and who I will connect with again in Barcelona.
The outside activities were brilliant but I have to admit I was very apprehensive to start with. The best way to describe it is an adult’s obstacle course. We all relaxed, had lots of fun, huge amounts of laughter and it really broke down some barriers even with people who didn’t speak the same language – this was not a problem. What a great way for Synergy to bring together people from all over Europe to bond over games.
Everybody in the UK has the opportunity to be at TMA 2015. All it takes is a decision. Paul and I had reached the level of Star last June and after hearing from our upline
Stella O’Shea what this could mean to not only our business but the business of our team members if we could qualify this year, we made a definite decision that we would let nothing get in our way. The systems are in place, the company is the best, the products are world class and the support available is fantastic – the only thing that could prevent you from getting there is you!