Western Europe Upcoming Events!
UK Opportunity Meeting & Training Event
... with Special Guest Speakers, Vanessa & Brian Stotter
We are excited to welcome our special guest speakers for December, Vanessa & Brian Stotter.
Vanessa is a public speaker on the subject of Inspiration and she states, "Behind every achievement, large or small, lies a plan and the belief, and knowing you can." Vanessa and Brian's own story is one of real inspirational as they have overcome immense, personal adversity to now lead a life of gratitude and purpose. They have used dream boards to create a life of love, forgiveness, peace, happiness and trust and Vanessa is the author of "Butterfly Whispers".

The whole Stotter family began to use the V3 products two years ago which was part of their focus of recovery and taking care of themselves from the inside out. Brian has found the ProArgi9 invaluable to his intense training schedule.
Vanessa and Brian will be sharing their story, showing you some of their dream boards and inspiring you to take control of your own life and to live your life on PURPOSE ... for YOUR purpose.
We look forward to you seeing you and your guests!
Remember, all Team Members who bring a guest will be entered into a draw for the chance to win a V3 System!
Registration: 10 am
Updates, Recognition & Opportunity Presentation: 10.30 am
Lunch: 12-12.30 pm
Training: 12.30 - 2 pm
Date: Saturday, 14 December
Time: 10.00 am - 2.00 pm
Place: Park Inn Hotel
Bath Road, Heathrow
Contact Rob with any questions by emailing him at robl@synergyworldwide.com.
Ireland Monthly Opportunity Meeting & Training Event
Join us for our monthly training event taking place in the Verschoyle Suite on the first floor of the City West Hotel, Saggart on Saturday, 14 December. This is an event for both distributors and their guests to learn more about Synergy and its fantastic, life-changing products … plus, our unrivalled compensation plan!
We encourage you to bring your team members and guests with you as we learn from each other and also recognise those who are achieving great things in their businesses and enhancing the lives of so many throughout Ireland.
Remember, all Team Members who bring a guest will be entered into a draw for the chance to win a V3 System!

Registration: 10.30 am
Training: 11 am
Lunch: 1-2 pm
Recognition & Training: 2-3.30 pm
Date: Saturday, 14 December
Time: 10.30 am - 3.30 pm.
Place: City West Hotel, Saggart
Contact Rob Lord, General Manager for Western Europe, with any questions: robl@synergyworldwide.com