Synergy Summer Rally

It’s time to turn the heat up on your Synergy Business for a sizzling summer of growth & inspiration!
What better way to spark success by attending the Summer Rally on Saturday June 25th from 11am-4pm at the Radisson Red Hotel, Bath Road, Heathrow. UB7 0DU.
Did you know that Distributors who attend training events are almost 10 times more likely to be active and successful in their business?

What’s on the Agenda? The programme will include: Vision & Inspiration from Synergy Team Members, a Workshop on Behaviours of Success, your 90 day Action plan, and a Meet the Experts Masterclass. Plus, prepare for a Summer Rewards Incentive to get your pulse racing…to be announced soon! All this for 10 euros (£8)! 

Did you know that you can bring guests along to the event for FREE? This is your opportunity to invite those intrigued about the Synergy Business Opportunity to enjoy inspiration and meet our incredible team of business owners. Guest names must be emailed to to be guaranteed a free place.

The night-before the Summer Rally – we have an extra surprise up our sleeves. Let’s celebrate in style when you hit Silver pay rank!

All first-time achievers of Silver between January 2022 and June 23rd 2022 will qualify for a drink’s reception toast to their success at our Synergy Summer Event in London at the Radisson Red, Heathrow, London.

Mark your diaries now for this Special Silver event and Leadership Training followed by Fizzy Friday at 6-8pm on 24th June at the Radisson Red, Heathrow (the night before our Main Event).

To qualify: achieve Silver Pay Rank for the first time in 2022 (3,000 CV on your weak leg) OR personally sponsor a new Silver in 2022!



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