2022 Retreat Qualifiers

Synergy WorldWide is pleased to announce the Team Members across Europe who have qualified for out 2022 Retreats. We recognize and congratulate them for the hard work and dedication they put forth to achieve their goals and qualify for these experiences. 

The requirements to qualify for Leadership Retreat and Vision Retreat focus on building each market through personal sponsorship efforts and leadership principles. Each of our qualifying Team Members have rank advanced and helped new Team Members to excel within our Synergy Community.

To qualify for these trips, you must be a true team player and hard worker. It is a prime example of how far we can reach by helping one another. 

Each qualifier will receive further information shortly about the retreats through direct contact from Synergy.

Please join us in congratulating these women and men for their achievements as Synergy business builders.

Vision Retreat 2022 Qualifiers

Julia Lang (Austria) – 1 person
Torstein Flatjord (Norway) – 1 person

Leadership Retreat 2022 Qualifiers

Petra Rinkel (Germany) – 1 person
Catherine Wilton (UK) – 2 people
Angie Watson (UK) – 2 people
Sue Thomas (UK) – 2 people
Jonathan Burgess (UK) – 2 people
Teri Rigby (UK) – 2 people
Emma Backshall (UK) – 2 people
Malcom and Fatima Ford (UK) – 2 people
Caroline Gillam (UK) – 2 people

Do you want to participate in the retreats next year? Set goals and work to follow the promotions in place this year. Follow the links to read about Leadership Retreat 2023 and Vision Retreat 2023 requirements.



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