Europe Summit 2021

Save the date for our synergy 2021 European summit: the 12th and 13th November. 
One of the most important dates in our calendar year has now been set and all we need is YOU for our virtual summit!

Mark your calendar for:

Friday 12th November: 6pm - 8pm (GMT)
Saturday 13th November: 12pm-3pm & 5pm-8pm (GMT)

We would have much preferred to see everyone together in Amsterdam – but health & safety is our top priority for you – and because of uncertainties with travel across the world, we have rescheduled our in-person Amsterdam Summit Event for 2022.

It has been a year of great achievements for Synergy Europe and we are excited to share them with you virtually.

Here’s what we have on the agenda:

  • Prepare for the unveiling of our exciting new technology and customer-friendly website.
  • Learn great tips from our industry’s greatest leaders and achievers.
  • Be inspired by our new product launches.
  • Let’s celebrate you! - with recognition for your hard work, rank advancements and great achievements.
  • Find out more about what is in store for 2022.

Depending on the situation in each country across Europe, we may be able to facilitate some elements of this 2021 summit in-person with groups convening in locations to celebrate together. Stay tuned to learn about what, how and where (if regulations allow). 

Let’s be a force together and make this summit our biggest one yet. Mark your calendars for 12th & 13th November 2021 and stay tuned for additional details.

Have you already purchased your tickets for the 2020 or 2021 Europe Synergy Summit?

Great news! Your tickets are eligible for next year’s European summit in Amsterdam 2022. To show our appreciation for your patience, understanding and continued trust, you will receive a special gift during the 2022 Europe Summit. In addition, you will have access to unique discounted tickets for next year’s event.

If you have any questions or doubts, we would love to hear from you. Contact our friendly Customer Service team, who are happy to assist you with any request you may have.

Note: If you wish to request a refund for your purchased Summit ticket, please contact customer service for assistance. A request to refund your ticket(s) will void the qualification to receive the special gift and special ticket discount for next years summit, associated with holding on to your ticket. 



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