Vision Tour a Tremendous Success!

More than 1,500 Team Members throughout Europe filed into meeting rooms in Heathrow, Helsinki, Oslo, Bad Waltersdorf, and Warsaw, to listen to Nature’s Sunshine Products’ CEO Greg Probert, Synergy President Dan Norman, and Synergy Europe Vice President Carmelo D'Anzi as they revealed Synergy’s vision for the next five years and to meet these top executives face to face. 

There wasn’t an empty chair in sight at any of the meetings. Some of the individuals joining the meetings were viewing live streaming broadcasts in cities throughout Iceland, Finland, Norway, Germany, and more. 

The growth and excitement unfolding in Europe is tangible. Synergy Europe’s momentum can be attributed to top leader engagement and their clear vision of the future. Team Members are united in visualizing the big picture. Promises are being made and executed, including the opening of Synergy Europe Headquarters in Barcelona. The interaction between Synergy corporate and Team Members in the field is strong.

“What stood out to me at each of these events was the look in people’s eyes,” Carmelo said. “I knew they had developed a strong belief after listening to the message we had to share.”

The five-year plan was well received by every Synergy Team Member in attendance. At the beginning of a new era of growth for Synergy, the energy amongst Team Members is electric. We believe Synergy Europe will play do its part and more in bringing the five-year plan to fruition. Achieving the five-year plan goals will require a strong collective effort, but Synergy Europe is ready for the challenge.

Thank you to all of Europe’s hard-working general managers for their efforts in putting this well-attended tour together. Each one does a fantastic job and we can’t thank them enough for their support. 



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