Hughes Center Studies Dissected: What is Myeloperoxidase?

Scientists at the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation announced two groundbreaking ProArgi-9+ discoveries in 2015 that Synergy Team Members all over the world have been talking about.

CLICK HERE to read the full descriptions of these discoveries.

One of these studies addresses the effects that ProArgi-9+ has on reducing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. And the cause for oxidation? Myeloperoxidase (MPO).

The last sentence of the second study conducted states, “The Hughes Center’s preliminary study discovered that the unique combination of ingredients found in Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ potently inhibited myeloperoxidase and helps to reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.”

So far, we know myeloperoxidase negatively effects nitric oxide production, but what is it exactly? And how exactly does it operate? With answers to these questions, we can gain a better understanding of why it’s important to keep myeloperoxidase from running its course.


MPO is an enzyme produced by white blood cells and is used to fight infection. MPO produces oxidizing compounds similar to bleach to kill infecting bacteria. The problem arises because the antimicrobial hypochlorous acid—an infection-fighting substance—kills both foe (bacteria) and friend (healthy tissue). This causes the oxidization of tissues.

Scientists at Synergy WorldWide have been evaluating natural inhibitors of myeloperoxidase as a nutritionally therapeutic approach to support cardiovascular health.

Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Matthew Tripp said, “We discovered that certain ingredients in Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ are indeed natural MPO inhibitors and work together synergistically. This unexpected discovery led to the filing of a provisional patent application on ProArgi-9+.”



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