Team Members gathered in Dublin and Heathrow to celebrate the achievements of 2015 and to listen, learn and prepare for what promises to be a fantastic 2016.

NEW Body Prime was launched, which prepares the body for any health regimen, from core nutrition to weight management and Team Members were able to avail of a special promotion pack only available on the day. Body Prime is available for everyone to order February 1st.
The key message from the Kickoff events however was that Synergy has a new 5 year vision to set us on the road to being a billion dollar company. Carmelo D’Anzi, Vice President of Sales for Europe and Rob Lord, General Manager for Western Europe, shared what Synergy are working on and will be launching in the near future and how this will accelerate the success of Team Member’s businesses; 2016 is the start of this vision and rest assured it will be a groundbreaking year!
Thank you to everyone who attended in Heathrow and Dublin, you made these events ones to remember. Get ready for a year with Synergy that will go down in the history books!