In September, 330 Team Members in Europe became Elite Honors Qualified. That means at least 330 new distributors were enrolled and more than 1,000 customers latched onto Synergy products. Team Members who are becoming Elite Honors Qualified have found that the Elite Honors earnings model is exactly what their businesses were missing.
Congratulations to the many who are finding success through Elite Honors thus far!
Here are a few insights from our newest Elite Honors Qualifiers regarding their success with Elite Honors:

“While the Go Elite Promotion is rewarding, it can challenge you to change your approach to business. In the beginning, people weren’t interested in learning about the products or opportunity from me. I realized that to be successful I had to change my own mentality and how I said things. I experienced positive results once I made adjustments to my methods. I focused on new customers and dedicated myself to maintaining a positive outlook. I realized how easy it actually is when you have the right mindset! I started to understand the meaning behind ‘Live, Learn, Love and Leave a Legacy.’”
Salme Ala-Heikkilä and Reijo Ojanen, Team Director, Finland
“I love how the Elite Honors approach has motivated our entire team. This method allows newer Team Members to begin earning more income at an early stage in their business while creating long-term opportunities. My team has been working together to help individual Team Members reach new pin levels and work toward their goals that will lead to financial freedom.”

“Building a successful network marketing business requires long-term thinking and a stable foundation. It’s about establishing quality relationships instead of just trying to build as quickly as possible. While the Elite Honors Promotion rewards Team Members fairly quickly for their work, it’s much more important to build a business with stability and sustainability in mind. By connecting with customers who are searching for products like Synergy’s and simply introducing them to the company, we have created a base of satisfied and loyal customers who return time and time again.”