These individuals either achieved the Team Manager rank for the first time, exceeded their Team Manager rank after attending TMA in 2013, or sponsored an individual who achieved the Team Manager rank while maintaining or exceeding the Team Manager rank themselves.

Team EBALI (Slovenia)
Marlis Hoffman (Germany)
Andrea Schabler (Austria)
Roman Tanzler (Austria)
Gerhard Moenig (Austria)
William Martin (Germany)
Sells Consulting (Austria)
Irmgard Moehle (Germany)
Ana Vajda-Friess (Austria)
Robert Suppan (Austria)
Eastern Europe
Flow Michał Mosiejko (Poland)
Carlo Branca (Italy)
Giuseppe Lucio (Italy)
Giuliano Demuro (Italy)
Mervi ja Janne Korkeakangas (Finland)
Pernilla Örnéus (Sweden)
Santoia Oy (Finland)
Arja Tolvanen (Finland)
Lila Kongas-Saarikko ja Tatu Saarikko (Finland)
Rolv Eigil Nilsen (Norway)
Turid Jacobsen (Norway)
Liisa Jalonen (Finland)
Dennis Blom (Sweden)
Atle Vabø (Norway)
Mads Oestvang (Norway)
Oistein Bekkvang (Norway)
Western Europe
K.N.R. International Network (Ireland)
At Team Manager Academy, you will be in company with some of Synergy Europe’s brightest leaders at a majestic mountainside venue. Receive intensive leadership and business training that you can’t find anywhere else, all while enjoying the beautiful Austrian landscape.
Qualifiers will receive formal invitations soon that contain the TMA agenda as well as details needed to register.
There is still time to qualify!
CLICK HERE for more details.
You have until May 31 to make the list. We hope to see this list double by June—Good luck!