UK's Newest Team Leader: Kim Bradley

Congratulations to Kim Bradley of Oxfordshire, who advanced last month to become the U.K.'s newest Team Leader. Kim has been involved with Synergy for exactly two years as of the 18th of April, and was good enough to take time out of her busy schedule for a few questions.

How did she do it? 
Synergy WorldWide: What would you say has been the biggest factor in your success so far?
Kim Bradley: The first thing that comes to mind is perseverance. Recognizing the fact that this business has its ups and downs, slow times, medium times and fast times. When it’s going fast, you’ve got to roll with it, but you have to dig in with perseverance during the times when it’s not going that way. It takes time, it takes commitment, it takes holding the vision very strong. Not just the vision for yourself, but for your teammates as well, keeping the steady course with the vision that we will get there -- that all of us will get there.

What works for her Team?
SW: As a Team Leader, what things do you do to help your team and organization?
KB: Creating really, really good teamship. I have a fantastic team. My left leg are all great friends with my right leg… there’s no division. It’s all one big team. We help each other with motivation. We call ourselves the “heart to heart” Synergy Team, and it stops that feeling of isolation because we are part of a whole. We have Skype chats which are brilliant for instant messaging, great news of each other’s achievements, questions. It’s generally about a positive mindset and feeling delighted about the success of any Team Member. We have our own Facebook group as well. It’s created a family feeling about care, attention and love for one another. It's a really nice group to be a part of.

Effective Communication
SW: How have you been able to foster that kind of communication?
KB: Prior to having Skype and Facebook, and before we had our own team identity, it was quite difficult because it felt like you were dealing with pockets of people rather than a team. These two tools have been key for our team.

"A Spirit of Care"
SW: What has helped you develop your Teamship?
KB: Last year there were six of us that went to the Europe Summit in Copenhagen. This event was significant for helping us move towards the "teamship" concept. Seeing other Euorpeans from German, Finland and Norway with their names on their t-shirts helped me clearly see why teamship was so important. We came away thinking “that is exactly what we need.” We brought that feeling back to the rest of the team. We thought “what are we going to call ourselves?” We’re the "Heart to Heart" team.  It became easy.
So since September of last year that’s how we've been working. We've been getting great guidance from some wonderful leaders in the business like Will Martin and Paul Blad, just trying to learn from those who have already done it, and worked to create a spirit of care.

Products to Stand By
SW: Any favorite Synergy products?
KB: Our team is a huge fan of all 3 products (ProArgi-9+, Mistify, and PhytoLife) because they do such different things for the body. I’m a therapist, I work with massage, emotional transformation, and helping people with their mind, body and spirit. So having a complete approach to health is so important. I don’t know how anyone can differentiate between these wonderful products because they each do such amazing things.

As a team, we aim to promote V3 as a system for overall health for the body.

A Caring Friend Shares the System
SW: How were you introduced to Synergy?
KB: A good friend of mind, Sandra Hillawi, who I've known for many, many years introduced me. Two years ago, she told me about these products, and we didn't have any information to share— no glossy brochures— literally just what she had to tell me. Having been in the health and wellness industry for 15 years, I had come across lots of supplements. I was quite skeptical to be totally honest. I thought “here we go, another supplement.” But she said “ you've got try it, this is different. This is based on science.” I said, "well I trust you Sondra, so I’ll try it." That’s when I tried my first cup of ProArgi-9+, taking this powder, not truly expecting to feel any different. Then [laughing] having my mind blown about just how much more energy I had, and how my thought processes were clearer -- like a fog had been lifted from my brain. I didn't know there was fog there to start with. It was like “Wow! This is what awake really feels like." That got me very passionate about these products. It was the real difference I felt in myself.

Then it was a case of getting my family, my clients, and every person I came into contact with on these products.

Remember Your Goals
SW: If you were to give one piece of advice to someone new to Synergy WorldWide, what would you tell them?
KB: I would tell them to clearly think about their goals and their reason “why.” That will help through the sticky times, through the beginning times when you are first putting yourself out there and suggesting people take a look at this wonderful concept, at these products. Sometimes it will be well received and sometimes it won't. That’s how the world works.

 Make sure that you are working with a member of your upline team who wants to work at the pace that you want to work. Make sure you are tapped into someone that will be right there with you - helping you to go for it!

We wish Kim a happy two-year Synergy anniversary, and congratulate her for her great success thus far in her business. We know this is just the beginning! Congratulations, Kim! 



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