On Saturday, August 13,
Synergy WorldWide will be hosting an opportunity meeting in Slough! All Team Members and guests are invited to attend. Take advantage of this time to hear from top leaders and learn more about Synergy's incredible products and tremendous business opportunity, which allows you to create a residual income!
Instead of waiting for opportunities to come your way, create opportunities with Synergy today!!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Room: The Burnham SuiteSaturday, August 13, 2011
Time: Registration – 10.30am
Start: 11.00am
Finish: 12.30pm
Cost: Team Members £5.00, Guests Free!
Parking: £1.00
For more information, please contact Clive Gumbs at 07977951034 or email at clive.gumbs@hotmail.com.