Three Months of Elite Honors Qualification
In March, several of our Team Members achieved a third month of maintaining their Elite Honors qualification. Synergy congratulates each of the 3x Elite Honors qualifiers listed below. We thank you for the efforts you are making to help people unlock their potential and achieve Elite Health.
For more information about the Elite Honors program, please click here.
Elite 1200

Keith Robinson
Marcus Prouse
Steven J. Innes
Helen Prosper
Liz James
Grant & Sue Sharp
Rebecca Winters
Sue & Matt Thomas
Chris & Andrea Gerry
Sarah Andrews
Emma Backshall
Jane Sedgley & Lesley Anwar
Claire Johnston
Faye Sealy
Andrea Brookes
Elite 600
Mandy Blaney & Daniel Gallagher
Warren Fox
Maryanne Gosling
Maria Corbet
Emeka & Prisca Okakpu
James & Louise Rogers
Adetutu Odufuwa
Paul Houlihan
Patricia Tougher
Jeremy Townsend
Teri Rigby
Kim Bradley
Nicola Hok
Inger Howarth
Jenny Hok
Sally Macleod
Peter & Susan Ragg
Julie Kirby
Caroline Gillam
Christine Burd
Jacqui Carleton
Paul & Kate Flint
Nathan Beacham
Lorraine Knight
Laura Hopper
Lynne & Martin Davies
Catherine Wilton
Adrian & Sara Gregory
Martin Auckland
Mark Allison
Julia Riewald
Bianca Stones
Helen & Phil Fetzer
Sarah Buckley
Marjorie Ker
Chris Reynolds
Vicki Page
Barry Haeger
Jonathan Burgess
Kim & Terry Briggs
Marlene Williams
Kerry Madgwick
Gill Barham
Andy & Ashleigh Henson
Deirdre & Simon Peck
Angie Watson
Hannah Johnson
Vicky Farmer
Jackie Grant
Malcolm Ford
Julie Dalton
Dinah & Mark Smith
Sarah & Ian Chambers
Norma Corney
Jacqueline Hodson
Catriona Armor
Monica Gallen
Sally Varley
Rob Dulieu
Helen & Matthew Shardlow
Susan Ritchie
Sarah Shaw
Anne Wright
Christine Walker
Ulrika Almqvist
Lyndsay Sadler
Belinda Bronjewski
Sara Branch
Victoria Brearley
Rachael Dobson
Rosalie Miles
Monika Margetts
Katina Chapman
Karla Barbour
Lucy Palmer
Helen Whitehead
David Todd
Samantha Marshall
Norma Bingley
Anthony Jackson
Hayley Lundy
Julie Dennis
Jacqueline Eyre
Joanne Buckley
Susan Kennard
Maria Reid
Kenneth & Angela Hendricks & Marfo
Karen Rainey
Kevin Bhunjun
Mel & Jamie Pearson
Faye Pritchard
Alistair & Lyn Richardson
Annie Holmes
Bridget Lucas
Nicola Kenworthy
Kathleen Roberts
Debbie Atkins
Serene Colonics Ltd.
Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far. The dedication and passion you have for building a successful Synergy business is impressive. We would like to thank you for your wonderful work ethic and belief, as well as the examples you are to all those looking to Leave a Legacy of their own.