JANUARY KICKOFF - BUSINESS TRAINING DAY December 29, 20160 CommentsJANUARY KICKOFF - BUSINESS TRAINING DAY Join us as we start 2017 with this crucial Business Training Day for all Team Members. These are regular training events in Warwick, Keep Reading
Happy Holidays from Synergy Customer Service December 20, 20160 CommentsHappy Holidays from Synergy Customer Service Happy Holidays from all of us at Synergy WorldWide Customer Service. We hope that during this holiday season you are able to enjoy Keep Reading
Leadership Power Training Recap December 16, 20160 CommentsLeadership Power Training Recap Earlier this month, hundreds of ambitious Team Members gathered for an important training and an enjoyable Synergy weekend. Held at the World Trade Keep Reading
ELITE HEALTH WEBINAR CANCELLED December 15, 20160 CommentsELITE HEALTH WEBINAR CANCELLED We apologize for the inconvenience but due to technical difficulties with our webinar system, the Elite Health webinar for tonight has been cancelled. Keep Reading
Congratulations November Go Elite Earners December 13, 20160 CommentsCongratulations November Go Elite Earners An elite group of Synergy Team Members went beyond the call of duty in November by not only becoming Elite Honors Qualified, but Keep Reading
New Pearl Executive: Fernando Gatti December 12, 20160 CommentsNew Pearl Executive: Fernando Gatti Fernando Gatti has big dreams for Synergy and his growing organization. His aim is to make Synergy WorldWide a household name with at Keep Reading
MIDLANDS OPPORTUNITY MEETING December 12, 20160 CommentsMIDLANDS OPPORTUNITY MEETING Join UK Leaders and fellow Team Members at our upcoming Midlands Opportunity Meeting. This meeting is for you and your teams to invite Keep Reading
November 2016 Recognition December 09, 20160 CommentsNovember 2016 Recognition Listed below are the names of everyone in Europe who rank advanced this month! Congratulations to our hardworking Team Members who continue to Keep Reading
November 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers December 08, 20160 CommentsNovember 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members Keep Reading
DECEMBER OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS December 02, 20160 CommentsDECEMBER OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS Join UK Leaders and fellow Team Members at our upcoming Opportunity Meetings across the UK. These meetings are for you and your teams Keep Reading