July 1st – August 31st

Following the exceptional guidance that Mads Ostvang provided at our training event last month, team members have been actively sponsoring even more new team members and helping them achieve Elite Honors as part of an extra promotion!

This promotion is just for Team Members up to and including the title of Team Leader….

As you build your business with more urgency in July and August you will earn the following points:
2pts – new, activated personal Team Member
3pts – each time you are Elite Honors qualified
5pts – each time a personally sponsored Team Member is Elite qualified
10pts – each time a personally sponsored Team Member has their own personally sponsored Elite qualified

We will then recognise the Top 3 on the blog together with the following reward:

Top Points Earners (Top 3 must have min. 25pts each)
1. iPad Mini 4 16GB
2. Free Flights & Registration to Vienna Summit (For 1 person)
3. V6 with Synergy Backpack or Laptop Bag

Here is how the current leader board is looking as of the 10th August:

Norah Igwe - 25 pts
Toby and Bronwyn Akuazoku - 19 pts
Juliana and Christian Nebechi - 17 pts
Paul and Irene Assoua - 15 pts
Phillip Igiehon - 10 pts
Marcus Prouse - 10 pts
Sabina Okoye - 9 pts
Sheriff Olagunju - 9 pts

There is still 2 weeks to go and we look forward to congratulating our Top 3 at the end of August!



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